"...To remember the poor - the very thing I was eager to do..."

Apostle Paul, Gal 2:10

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There is so much suffering in the world, but we can touch one life at a time

"Love casts out fear". In another word, to deal with (Covid) anxiety is best to be relentless in sharing love. We invite you to partner with us in supplying 120 wheelchairs this year for the disabled in Vietnam.

Eye Wheel Help is an outreach of Youth With A Mission, (YWAM), a registered charitable organization in Canada.

All donations are tax deductible and can be sent as following:

E-transfer: admin@eyewheelhelp.com

Cheques: made payable to Youth With A Mission, with a designation note on separate slip as follows:
“For Eye Wheel Help”. (Cheques can be post dated.)

Credit Card: Click HERE to donate through a Charitable Impact, then choose Red Button “donate now”.

Cheques and E-transfer are preferred as they requires no transaction fee, which can add up to 4% with card.

The real cost (in 2021) of a wheelchair is $80.00, eye surgery fluctuates $80.00 -120.00. Please add $20.00 for transportation cost for each item as we serve most patients in remote areas.

As we often partner with other organizations, your donation would be "doubled" in 50/50 agreement.



Contact Information:


Ha Nguyen

Youth With A Mission

Phone 403-397-1957,

Email:  admin@eyewheelhelp.com

P.O. Box 76
Turner Valley, Alberta, T0L 2A0.

Phone: 604.255.5262 Fax: 604.436.4466

E-mail: admin@projectfunding.ca

P.O. Box 57100 RPO

East Hastings, Vancouver, BC V5K 5G6

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Contact: Ha Nguyen  |  Phone: 403-397-1957  |  Email: admin@eyewheelhelp.com